Welcome to the People's Republic of San Francisco...the never-ending excuse to persecute/steal from capitalists continues.
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Posted by: LateForLunch ®

03/11/2023, 21:58:17

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This is so horrifyingly unjust it boggles the mind. It's difficult to find words to express my own astonishment/outrage and I'm not even directly affected. How the vermin who infest SF city government can get away with this in a country that is supposedly governed by the rule-of-law is beyond my comprehension. I thank GOD I don't own rental property in San Francisco. 

WTF ever happened to the protections of the Constitution against unlawful seizure of assets/property? Apparently all one must do in this country to eradicate the Constitution is to dream up and officially declare one non-existent emergency after another. My solution to this is to identify the public officials responsible then REUAGE!!!* 

* I do not post the meaning for this term on the open forum. All I will say is that even though it sounds like a French word, it's actually an acronym. If you want to know, PM. 

Modified by LateForLunch at Sun, Mar 12, 2023, 12:46:33

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I have a friend that was doing well in the rental business, pre-covid...
Re: Welcome to the People's Republic of San Francisco...the never-ending excuse to persecute/steal from capitalists continues. -- LateForLunch Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: robertb ®

03/12/2023, 17:17:02

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... The changes to allow renters to not pay and put all the burden on the landlords basically wiped her out.

Rental properties are investments, that depend a lot on cash flow. Normally that is determined by the percentage of time it is occupied. With the covid 'relief', the tenants stayed but didn't pay. So she could not pay the various mortgages. 

Ultimately had to default on the mortgages, with expected results. 

The tenants of course are sitting pretty, but not so much the landlords. 

N.B. She is in Florida, so the current SF mess does not impact her, but what the fed did certainly was a hit.

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I have a couple of rentals, but they are high middle market, and I had no problems.
Re: I have a friend that was doing well in the rental business, pre-covid... -- robertb Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: Russ Walden ®

03/13/2023, 13:51:22

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The "COVID pandemic" was a would-be tyrant's wet dream . . .
Re: Welcome to the People's Republic of San Francisco...the never-ending excuse to persecute/steal from capitalists continues. -- LateForLunch Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: Russ Walden ®

03/12/2023, 14:29:11

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So many actions taken in its name are tyrannical.  Actions by state and local governments, plus the FedGov itself.


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