Author: Doctors Itza & Ima Spoof –
Publication: China Air Magazine - Hao Long Wei Ting
A recent report by Doctors Itza and Ima Spoof details how an obscure, but growing, Chinese religion is now promoting mandatory abortion of babies conceived in homosexual relationships. The religion, called No Mo Ho-Mos, had its origin during a solar eclipse in Wai So Dim, a small town in western China. The religion's founder was initially apprehensive whether people would accept the basic premise of their beliefs, but finally concluded: "People believe anything," said Wai Yu So Dum.
Dr. Itza Spoof reports that Dr. Dum had been studying the likelihood that homosexuality was the product of genetic structure and worried that babies conceived between two homosexuals would be twice as likely to be homosexual themselves. Dr. Dum, a professor at Wei No No-Ting university said the idea of the religion came to him while sitting in the dark during the eclipse. Dr. Dum has applied for a sabbatical leave from the university so he can travel to California to continue his studies and reflections.
Dr. Ima Spoof (wife of Itza), has studied the socio-political impact of the new religion. She reports that the Chinese government is not sure how to react to it. Although it promotes abortion, in keeping with government rules, it is still a religion and, thus, is prohibited. "We not sure what to do," said Kwan Da Ri, head of the cultural studies department. Members of the sect are keeping a low profile due to some worrisome statements from the head of the secret police, Hu Yu Hai Ding.
Awareness of the sect is limited among the general population. Dr. Ima Spoof has conducted interviews on the streets of Beijing, but her findings are probably best typified by the comment, "I not know," said Dum Gai, a rickshaw operator.
(Updates to this report will be posted as, when and if any intelligent information becomes available.)
Russ Walden