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Uh, no there's several still undecided, I was wrong.
Re: No 'Crat pick-ups for House seats in Mexifornia!! All twelve seats being held at this time w only two undecided. -- LateForLunch Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

11/08/2024, 05:00:59

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The Mexifornia seats are looking like they might be decisive, including the one in my area (CA27). With eight still undecided, Republicans are leading in (4) districts and 'Crats also leading in (4) districts. So if things hold, there will be ZERO net gain for 'Crats in California !!! 

A couple of the districts where they're behind could go either way, and same for the 'Crats. But it looks like at best there will be one or two more pick-ups by 'Crats but the same for GOP so it's going to be either a statewide wash or else a net gain for the GOP!!

Modified by LateForLunch at Fri, Nov 08, 2024, 12:08:35

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