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If they continue to make their campaign about stupid things like that...
Re: X is filled with videos and AP news stories about Kamala being the first (asian) (Indian) Senator. -- DeeDee Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

08/08/2024, 23:45:18

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...they had better hope that vote fraud efforts succeed, 'cause there is no way the 'Crats could win the election at this point. 

Any hope the 'Crats had for salvaging some significant share of the non-aligned (independent) or self-described "moderate" vote vanished with the choice of a thinly-veiled hard left ideologue (Walk-Into-Walzs) for VP. His addition to the ticket does NOTHING for the central issues that are shaping up to be the decisive ones. Walz brings NOTHING in experience or policy history in financial success, economics, border security, crime prevention, law-enforcement. 

Not too bright...which looks to be the nicest thing to say about the Klamydia campaign so far. 

No wonder that Carville and Axelrod are both covering their faces watching this slow train-wreck happening before their eyes. 

Modified by LateForLunch at Thu, Aug 08, 2024, 23:56:48

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