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America's Dangerous Obsession With 'Safety'
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Posted by: Russ Walden ®

07/29/2024, 14:15:06

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Fear Is The Mind-Killer: America's Dangerous Obsession With 'Safety'

In modern America, an obsessive fixation on “safety” has given
rise to a culture of fear, paralyzing action and warping decision-making
across all levels of society.
The conditioning begins early,
with children trained to be fearful rather than competent in facing
challenges or unfamiliar situations. In their formative years, children
are inundated with rules and guidelines, ostensibly designed to maintain
safety. But this only stunts their adventurous spirit, undercuts the
development of real confidence, and provides an excuse to avoid the
uncertain striving necessary for growth.

That first paragraph strikes home for me because during most of the "growing up" years of our four children, we lived over a very large, undeveloped canyon in San Diego.  We had no back fence and the canyon was very inviting.  Even the descent down into the canyon was somewhat perilous, but that is where our kids spent most of their time.

"Far from pushing them into danger, allowing children to confront and
overcome challenges on their own provides the ultimate safety — a true
sense of competence.

Yup.  It be so.

Modified by Russ Walden at Mon, Jul 29, 2024, 14:25:27

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