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Re: "defenestrating" -- Did they get your permission to use that word? -- Russ Walden | Post Reply | Top of thread | Forum |
Posted by: LateForLunch ® 07/20/2024, 01:56:05 Author Profile Mail author Edit |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4S7QARslq74 Likely that came from author Gene Wolfe. He has a habit of using unusual words. Sometimes he'll make one up entirely or use an archaic/abstruse word from ancient times. Defenestration was a method of execution taught to one of Wolfe's characters - an official torturer by trade in a future world. Another word from that same text was "autochthonous" (sic) - which was once the winning word in the final round of a major spelling bee. It means "primitive/indigenous" as in a non-technological culture. I remember reading about that and laughing out loud because I am not a great speller, but I knew how to spell that word (sort of like "chthonic" - which means, "related to the Underworld/Hell") . I also taught myself to spell "antidisestablishmentarianism" as a boy. But that's about the most unusual thing about me. Other than being almost-indescribably handsome.
Modified by LateForLunch at Sat, Jul 20, 2024, 02:05:25 |
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