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President is safe - assassin kills at least one, another critical at Trump rally before being neutralized.
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Posted by: LateForLunch ®

07/13/2024, 19:53:11

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How the @*#*$! the SS permitted a sniper with line-of-sight to set up a shooting platform is a serious question...WAS DJT SET UP BY SOMEONE IN S.S./LAW ENFORCEMENT !?!

From 300-yards distance, the degree of angle variance in the shot's trajectory to DJT's death is about 1000 th of a degree. IOW, if the shooter had fired the shot just 1000th of a degree of angle differently, the shot would have hit roughly dead-center of DJT's head. 

The shooter was either very lucky or very good. Either very good training/skill in shooter evading SS long enough to get shots off, or lax coverage for the event. 

The latter is probably the most troubling- in case he was a hired hand (by enemies). Since there is no I.D. on the shooter, foreign actors can't be excluded as possibilities. 

A strong motive for a political assassin would be to either end him, or disrupt/end big Trump political rallies. What are the odds the big rallies will end? heh 

Modified by LateForLunch at Sat, Jul 13, 2024, 21:53:54

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