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Hey! They think the signs are bad, but they're nothing compared to the TRAFFIC SIGNALS!!
Re: LA City Council Removes U-Turn Signs In Gay Neighborhood Because They Are "Homophobic" -- Russ Walden Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

06/16/2024, 20:43:31

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'Nothing more hateful than a homophobic semaphore!! Don't let the multiple colors fool you!!!

(BTW, thanks for tweaking the Forum software back in shape, Primo!!) 

Just on a side note my neighbors retired to Nevada, rented out their house next door to students (Cal Arts mostly). Two of them moved out a week ago (graduated, hopefully for them) and like morons, left a huge, unsightly mountain of trash/discards piled in front of the house when they left. The stuff sat there for three days!!!

As a favor to my absent neighbors (whose two grown sons still live in the area and are supposed to take care of the house for their family) I moved most of it (busted old cheap beds/furniture) off the street/sidewalk further back onto the property so the owners didn't get dinged with a fee by the HOA for the violation. 

One of the trash items the students left was a hand-made sign for an event at their college - it said, "Heterosexual Kissing Booth". 

For me the sign was both reassuring and deeply troubling. 

Modified by LateForLunch at Mon, Jun 17, 2024, 11:13:50

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