Rabid anti-conservative-fanatic H-Wood actor thumped in NYC attack.
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Posted by: LateForLunch ®

05/13/2024, 03:58:15

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This guy is a hair-on-fire TDS apoplectic nut-case. Some of the anti-Trump / anti-conservative statements he's made in the past bordered on deranged. That's nothing new for anti-conservative-fanatics of course, but Buscemi stands out even among he garden-variety Industry vermin for his dehumanizing hyperbole. 

If I stated that I was sorry to hear he got thumped, I'd be lying. Mebbe something like this will awaken him to REALITY out of his WOKE-ing slumber. What's the old saying, "A conservative is a liberal who got mugged" !! 

Over the decades leftists have habitually acted as apologists for violent criminals until the violent criminals reach out and touch them in places they don't want to be touched, without apology. 

In the late '60's for instance, former leftist activist/Yippie David Horowitz sent a good friend of his to work for the Oakland chapter of Black Panthers. She disappeared shortly after she arrived. Body was found after sexual assault. 

Horowitz went to Oakland himself, did some detective work and found all roads led to the Panthers themselves but the cops said there was insufficient evidence to prosecute - even though they knew from informants who the murderers were by name. The murderers eventually bragged about getting away with it to taunt Horowitz. He had a conversion to conservatism at that general point in time which endured to this day. 

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