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Posted by: TonicTheBard ®

03/26/2024, 02:02:56

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.. AND TV.
The WOKE Continues...
Trailer released for Kathleen Kennedy CARTMAN's (put a CHICK in it, and Make it more Gay and LAME!!!:  8^) .. ANd Lesley Headland's (Harvey WEINER-Stein's PA, the ONLY Gal in Hollywood who didn't know what the old Goat was Up to, APPARENTLY...) Disney/Lucas/STAR WARS Series THE ACOLYTE. Lesley Assures us that Her Experience/Self-Insert as a Lesbian will Feature Heavily.

Opening scene is a group of JEDI Children. No White BOYS in the class. Every other Gender and Race, even Aliens, but No Whaahte Bwouys! The Rest Looked Dismal and GAY too.

I filter my Films through The Critical DRINKER, a Glaswegian You Tube Critic. In the Clip, the Kids are told to Close their EYES "Your Eyes Can Deceive you.."  (Amen, DISNEY!). One Alien Boy has eyes like GREEDO's, NO LIDS.. I thought that was a SPECIESIST Insensitivity and Macro Aggression Against him..  8^)  The Lecturer says "Tell me what you See!"

Over dubbed is:
"I see.. Diversity!..."
"I see... EQUITY!!"
"I see... INCLUSION!!!..  8^)

The Trailer has about 127,000 Likes, over 500,000 DISLIKES.
Another Disney TURD about to DROP, Pardners! LoL 8^)

Modified by TonicTheBard at Tue, Mar 26, 2024, 02:13:03

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