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Good news from the medical science front - first new antibiotic in awhile may save thousands of lives annually.
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Posted by: LateForLunch ®

01/06/2024, 19:31:51

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One wonders how long this will be out there before someone (a leftist) tries to politicize it. The company that developed this is NOT a U.S. company, it's Swiss (Roche Pharma). 

Infectious bacteria resistant to conventional antibiotics have been a terrible problem for doctors for decades  - an inevitable result of inadvertently breeding more and more resilient strains of pathogens by using antibiotics (which tend to kill off only the weaker bacteria, leaving the stronger ones to carry on as the dominant strain). 

This is important because it kills bacteria in a new way so they haven't been able to adapt to antibiotics like this. Maybe some day they will after this comes into use, but for now it stands to save a lot of people with severe infections that can't currently be easily stopped by using conventional antibiotics. 

Modified by LateForLunch at Sat, Jan 06, 2024, 19:38:36

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