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The cost of desperate virtue-signaling in Mexifornia is death.
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Posted by: LateForLunch ®

12/01/2023, 08:36:44

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It is noteworthy for context that the amount of money spent by private organizations combined with government funding in Mexifornia over the last ten years to "fix homelessness" is in the tens of BILLIONS of dollars which has done NOTHING to reduce homelessness in the state. The homeless population of the state has increased since 2013 by more than 40% while the national average state homeless population declined by close to 20%.  

The whole "ending homelessness" movement is a bald-faced scam. Most homeless refuse help to get off drugs/alcohol or off the streets. Yet liberals continue to act as if they are "doing something meaningful" about homelessness because they  operate hundreds of government and private non-profit organizations which redistribute massive amounts of money (virtually all of it to people who are not themselves homeless) without having any significant positive effect on the problem whatsoever.

Recently a company building "affordable housing" for homeless charged the government over $500,000 per tiny (9x15 ft) jail-cell-like unit. Subsequently shortly after one project's completion, a large number of the units were were burned down by someone either intentionally or through carelessness. 

Modified by LateForLunch at Fri, Dec 01, 2023, 08:55:59

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