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Charter/Disney battle enlarges.
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Posted by: LateForLunch ®

09/09/2023, 15:14:13

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Disney has decided to go to the mat with not just Charter/Spectrum, but also pulled their channels from other distributors, drastically reducing their audience and therefore the value of their content as a revenue-stream.

Disney dollar-losses in revenue/profits from cancellation of  sports broadcasting contracts would be in the billions. So it's a little puzzling why they'd boost fees in order to ostensibly boost their bottom line but then lose more in revenue from canceled carrier-contracts than if their rates had stayed the same!! 

I am delighted that Disney has been cut from my own cable channel list. I would have paid extra for them to do that. 

One wonders if Iger is that bad at business decisions or if he is simply badly advised. Chepak was apparently not well-qualified enough to avoid taking the company to war with a state governor and coming out on the losing side (so far). Does Iger hire a LOT of incompetent people to run the company? Is that why they are choking off one of their main revenue-streams trying to subjugate their distribution contract-holders?

Maybe I'm missing something? 

Modified by LateForLunch at Sat, Sep 09, 2023, 19:54:23

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