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Wasn't Wallace a Dixiecrat?
Re: FYI the generic term for being a registered voter without party affiliation is "non-aligned". -- LateForLunch Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: Ihavenoname ®

04/05/2023, 16:38:05

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I'm going to guess that "non-aligned" means nonpartisan, right? Or perhaps, one that isn't on anyone's side? But it seems hard to be completely non-aligned if these groups share some overlapping views with others. I could be wrong.

About the 1968 Presidential election: I heard it was a pretty rough election when tensions were high in the late 60s (I wasn't alive back then, so I only know this from history).

I have mixed opinions about George Wallace (and things I don't like about him). What's unusual was that his running mate, Curtis LeMay, was a Republican! This is the only election I know where both a Democrat and Republican ran together in a presidential race (only as a third party).

I've heard about the American Independent Party before. It was a far-right party with controversial views. That's all I know.

Unfortunately, third party candidates these days will only split the votes from GOP nominees. The two party system only favors Democrats or Republicans (or the uni-party swamp from how I see it).

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