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Are video games destroying society?
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Posted by: Ihavenoname ®

03/01/2023, 12:01:09

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Recently, an upcoming video game was revealed to let the player exercise demonic actions (don't mind the misspelling on the article). Of course, controversies in video games are nothing new and have been discussed for decades.

What's wrong with the mentioned game? Well, it makes the player perform certain rituals that I find appalling.

But how is that any different from other games that allows players to do unimaginable things? Exactly! This is no different from others.

In reality, people are mostly free to do whatever they wish. And that includes playing video games. This is a personal choice that an individual makes.

Doing such hobby is addicting, which can result in isolation, anger, frustration, or excitement. I know many instances of that when I lived in an apartment a few years ago with a gamer as a roommate.

Many times, that person would hit the table while getting angry over losing in a combat match, and yelled vulgar language while disregarding others. I clearly heard it and even suffered temporary heart palpitations over the loud hitting of the table (which was uncalled for).

I think video games are degrading society at first, which is the precursor to the destruction that will follow. Banning games isn't a good solution and will likely anger many (even me). People confined to their addictive hobby is common among today's generation.

I used to play games myself, but I've been spending more time on productive things in life. Not all are bad. Some are actually good (educational, puzzles, and more). People should know their limits and regulate their playing habits.

If not, I guess let people be then! As for playing games like the one mentioned, others may play it, and that is their own problem. I'll leave it at that.

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