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Orwell (aka Eric Arthur Blair) was a loose cannon. His work was greater than his life for the most part.
Re: He must be pretty unhappy with us. He tried to warn us. -- robertb Post Reply Top of thread Forum

Posted by: LateForLunch ®

02/12/2023, 20:52:33

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What he got right, he got SPECTACULARLY correct. And what he got wrong he got dead wrong. His understanding of and insight to the fascist mind was dead spot on. 

From what I have read of him, Orwell was more than anything an iconoclast - who surmised correctly the central point of the saying, "Absolute power corrupts absolutely". 

The leftists always try to claim him as one of their own especially in a 'Crat-dominated administration. Then try to apply his ideas as criticism of conservative administration when the 'Crats are not in power. 

The fact is that he mistrusted ANYONE who was in power because (as Machiavelli) he understood the dynamics of temptation in regard to dominion. I put him in the same company as Machiavelli. 

The context of his time was vastly different from today. The terms "socialist" and "conservative" were almost totally meaningless in today's context. So even though he described himself as a socialist, he hated fascism in any form - including Soviet fascism. His idealism prevented him from seeing how destructive the whole socialist movement was. 

He did not have the advantage of five additional decades of observation of Marxist socialist tyranny the Post-Modern world did to inform him that it was not the application of socialism that was the problem, but the ideology itself. 

Modified by LateForLunch at Mon, Feb 13, 2023, 01:36:36

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