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Unpleasant truth about Ukraine - it's hopelessly corrupt folks - almost as bad as Russia.
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Posted by: LateForLunch ®

03/05/2022, 05:58:00

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To get perspective on the current conflict one should probably look to sub-Saharan Africa - where various nations are forever at war with one-another over territorial rights to exploit the resources for the GOVERNMENT'S benefit, not the People's.

Ukraine has lied about a lot of stuff. The nuclear power plant by all appearances was not attacked by the Russians but either had an accidental fire or one that was deliberately set as a false flag attack. 

The Russians would gain nothing by attacking the plant - because any release of radiation would likely blow back over the border into Russian territory. Russian troops have apparently secured the plant and are forcing Ukranian workers to run the plant. But there is no evidence of attack by the Russians in the first place. 

This is not only similar to the endless civil wars of Africa, but also to the Serbian/Croatian/Macedonian conflicts of the last century. Some of these conflicts between governments in that region have been going on longer than the U.S. has existed. 

The Ukrainian government also lied about several other events in the conflict. Their agenda seems to be to lure the free world into the conflict so they don't have to fight their own battles. 

Again, the people of Ukraine are the real victims of this - because they government does not operate in good faith to look out for their best interests. Their president is a pathetic wokester who kowtows to every Globalist fantasy without shame - regardless of how it affects the people of Ukraine. 

I think this is a horribly clear example of what happens when incompetent, corrupt wokesholes run things. The Russians are simply doing what they have always done - use their military to dominate their own sphere of influence - largely because they have ZERO fear of consequences from the Free World (since Xiden is preoccupied with choosing his ice-cream flavor instead of behaving like a world leader).   

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