DeeWee was correct ('previously posted about this), now Fox confirms 'Crat mendacity on display w inflated Mass. state C-19 hospitalization stats.
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Posted by: LateForLunch ®

01/21/2022, 07:12:29

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Most states got busted exaggerating last winter, so have had to stop counting people infected with Wuhan Flu who go to the hospital/morgue due to OTHER ailments (cancer, diabetes, heart, cirrhosis, stroke) as Wuhan Flu. But not Massachusetts apparently. 

The only number that matters in epidemiology when counting infections is what is known as the "above-standard death-rate statistic" which quantifies how many more people die than would ordinarily die (according to statistical models). For instance if twenty-thousand more people die each month than average before the Wuhan Flu hit, it may be assumed (though not proven scientifically) that the increases MAY be due to the Wuhan Flu. 

It is meaningless for hospitals to classify every patient in their facility who has been infected with Wuhan Flu if the reason is actually because of other serious ailments. 

The financial incentive for hospitals to file those cases separately for billing purposes as, "Wuhan Flu," patients is understood ($$$). The government has basically rewarded hospitals for helping them to exaggerate the infection-rate. But such numbers have no significance for meaningful statistical analysis.  

Modified by LateForLunch at Fri, Jan 21, 2022, 07:36:30

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