Original Message: ...and another RCP from Peter Berkowitz on woke/Hamas alliance... |
* Point of information - Mr. Berkowitz uses the term, "liberal education" at least a couple of times in the attached RCP article. For those who may not know, he is referring to CLASSICAL liberalism, as opposed to modern "progressivist" anti-conservative-fanaticism, which is "liberalism" only with scorn-quotes. Virtually all of today's self-described "liberal or very liberal" ideologues are much closer to anti-conservative-fanatics and radical revolutionary Marxist socialist Statists than to anything remotely resembling classical liberals. For instance, (small-L) libertarianism is part of classical liberalism but today's modern Democrat party has absolutely no libertarian wing. Not unless suspension/eradication of the Rule of Law / promotion of chaos now means "libertarian" IOW, as synonymous with "licentious".