President Bush will appoint Ted Kennedy Defense Secretary in second term |
Posted by: Fritz ® 05/13/2004, 15:08:05 |
Bush to Appoint Kennedy Defense Secretary
By The Assorted Press
Veronica Dankeschön
May 13, 2004 (TAP) -- Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-MA, will replace Donald Rumsfeld as Defense Secretary if George Bush should win a second term. The President announced the planned appointment a day after Mr. Kennedy told the Assorted Press (TAP) that "Donald Rumsfeld should resign". "The US Army has treated Iraqi prisoners worse than Saddam ever did', the Senator said, accusing Rumsfeld of running concentration camps that "Hitler would have loved". Sen. Kennedy asked our Assorted Press reporter if "Rumsfeld isn't a German name?" Mr. Bush said Mr. Kennedy would be the perfect candidate for Secretary of Defense because of his "Spotless integrity, sober judgment, selfless patriotism and unshakable commitment to our troops." "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," he said yesterday. "I'm not going to dive into that question at a time when this Republican administration federal is drowning in a sea of Iraqi problems, and the Republicans appear intoxicated with power." Story developing....
Copied Right 2004, The Assorted Press |