Posted by: Fritz ®
05/07/2004, 23:05:55
Armour and Swift Meat Packers to Use Lethal Injection to Kill Bulls
The Assorted Press
May 2004 (TAP) -- Responding to protests and threats from the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), two large American meat packing companies have ordered its suppliers to change the way steers are killed.
Current practice involves stunning the steer, then giving it a shot in the head.
The new protocol will grant the steer a final meal of his choosing and time alone with clergy, before he is strapped to a table. After applying a topical anesthetic, a physician will establish an intravenous flow through a needle in the left front leg. Two drugs will then be introduced into the steer's body. The first will bring on a deep sleep, and the second will stop the steer’s heart. Once the medical examiner has declared the steer dead, it will be sent to the evisceration line for processing and then on to Burger King.
A PETA spokesman said the guidelines are "a good first step," and the animal rights organization will continue to work toward the day when animals cannot be executed without due process under the law.
Copied Right 2004, The Assorted Press and Wurst Machers Inc