Troubled Film-Faker Michael Moore snubbed by Disney now fears whale hunters |
Posted by: Fritz ® 05/05/2004, 13:51:54 |
By The Assorted Press
As reported by Ben Gaye
May 5, 2004 (TAP) --Docu-fiction film faker Michael Moore is upset because the WALT DISNEY CO. decided not to distribute a Bush-bashing documentary from Michael Moore, a documentary which claims bin Laden was greatly enriched by the Bush family. More problems for Moore. Moore who has previously protested whale hunting denounced the recent resumption of limited whale hunting because it is a danger to his personal safety. Wearing a T-shirt saying, "I'm not a whale, really I'm not", Moore claimed that since the announcement he's had at least 10 harpoons fired at him. "... and I'm sick of hearing 'there she blows' every time a step out of my limo'" stated Moore.
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