Liberal film maker, Michael Moore comes to a tragic end |
Posted by: Fritz ® 05/03/2004, 14:05:14 |
Michael Moore Explodes While Docking at Lakehurst
The Assorted Press May 3, 2004 (TAP) -- Michael Moore, the darling of liberal-Democrats and leftwing Patriot posters, exploded this morning while attempting to dock at Lakehurst, NJ. Mr. Moore was coming in for a landing at Lakehurst after his flight from Los Angeles following last night's grand food feast of very hot and spicy traditional Mexican food. Many witnesses said it was, at first, a thrilling sight as Mr. Moore appeared over the western horizon and approached the docking tower. But suddenly a tongue of flame appeared. The flame spread rapidly; within a few seconds Mr. Moore exploded in a huge ball of fire. He fell, tail first, with flames shooting out the nose and crashed. Radio announcer Seth Poole, broadcasting the event, shouted: "He's burst into flames....Get out of the way, please, oh my, this is terrible, oh my, get out of the way, please...Oh, the humanity!" Untold numbers of people were wounded in the incident. Investigators on the scene believe "this horrifying episode" was caused by an over consumption of hot, spicy food by Mr. Moore that resulted in spontaneous combustion. Liberal activists claimed that the explosion of Michael Moore was the result of a vast right wing conspiracy. However, a Conservative group of Right Minders pointed out that Michael Moore was full of shit and the addition of hot Mexican food was bound to make a deadly combination. Copyrite 2004, The Assorted Press and Graf Von Hindenberg Zeppelin GMBH |