Assorted Press investigative reporter checks into "Worldlyman's" background

Posted by: Fritz ®

05/02/2004, 13:36:18

Who is Worldlyman?

By Mel Bourne
The Assorted Press

May 2, 2004 (TAP):
The person who spray-paints annoying Marxist graffiti  and propaganda in Conservative fora is actually
Puckerds Fincter, a 4'3" person of indeterminate sex.
Ever since Puckerds Fincter was ejected from the International Association of Village Idiots, (IAVI) he/she has been wandering through the Internet from forum to forum seeking love and attention.

Alan Wrench, president of IAVI, said Fincter was voted out of the idiot's association because the members felt he/she had trouble keeping up mentally with others. Wrench said, " we were afraid this  freakish homunculus who seemed to be germinated outside of lawful procreation would give our association a bad name."

Rumors have been circulating that talent scouts for the elite Patriot forum have approached Puckerds Fincter with an invitation. Patriot management may feel that Fincter would feel right at home with Ms Judy, Mr. Bob, Ms Commonsense and John "Yeasty" Haag III.

Copyrite 2004, The Assorted Press - "We are at least as accurate as the NY Times and as nonpartisan as the Patriot forum."