Saddam Hussein wants an Internet Forum just like TOF

Posted by: Fritz ®

04/12/2004, 10:20:56

Saddam Hussein Starts His Own Internet Forum 

The Assorted Press

April 12, 2004, Somewhere in Iraq -- Saddam Hussein, the former president of the Republic of Iraq, launched his own Internet political forum today called "Saddam's Armpit".  Saddam decided to jump on the Internet bandwagon after reading an Assorted Press story that predicted forum posters and bloggers may replace conventional news sources,

"I'm just getting my feet wet in this blogging thing," he wrote in his first post at "Saddam's Armpit". "Have you seen Doc Carney's Patriot forum yet? John Kerry turned me on to it. I hope to someday get posters like Bob, Common Sense, Fifty and Black Raven in my forum; those are my kind of people, we think alike when it comes to the great Satan, President Bush."

Saddam said as soon as he gets more free time he has plans to make his forum as important and influential as the new Exclusive Masters Invitational Political Forum and Country Club with membership by invitation only. "I also want to keep out the riff-raff", Saddam said.

Saddam's site includes a comment feature, and cute little animated icons to indicate the former Iraqi leader's mood at the moment. Under his first post the icon indicated "Saddam is feeling: Lonely."

A "tip jar" on the right side of the home page allows Saddam's Armpit posters to make donations to Saddam through Pay Pal.
"I am hoping to get enough money to register my domain name "," he wrote. "And I would also like to raise some more bail money from the friendly and understanding American Left."

Copyrite, 2004, The Assorted Press & DAS IST MIR WURST Inc