Kennedy and Byrd "enraged" at GOP attempt to stop Democrats from blocking Bush nominees

Posted by: Fritz ®

01/06/2005, 10:45:35

Kennedy and Byrd Say New Rule Unfairly Targets Democrats
By Blitz Wolfer, TAP political reporter

January 6, 2005 (TAP) -- Republicans plan to push through a new rule on filibusters which Democrat Senators Ted Kennedy and Robert Byrd say unfairly targets members of their party.

Senator Frist said he will alter the Senate filibuster rules to give President Bush's nominees a fair chance at a full Senate hearing where Democrats have had a history of filibustering and blocking nominees.

In the past in order for Republicans to overcome a Democrat block they have had to muster 60 votes. Under the new rule, in order to stall a vote, Democrats will actually have to get up and address the Senate nonstop as in the traditional way.

However, Senator Frist's new rule would require any Senator engaged in a filibuster to speak exclusively on the theme "What I believe is good about America." The rules change would also allow Senators to speak on the topic: "What makes America the world's greatest democracy."

"This is clearly an effort to silence my Democrat colleagues," said Senators Robert Byrd and Ted Kennedy. "How could we filibuster for more than a minute or two on such subjects."


Copiedrite 2005, The Assorted Press and "Der Alte Fritz" Inc.