Court Acquits Kerry in Mooning Incident

Posted by: Fritz ®

08/21/2004, 13:41:18

 The Neo York Times

Court Acquits Kerry in Mooning Incident

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War veterans stand with backs turned to Kerry as he speaks.
August 18, 2004.

August 21, 2004 (TAP) -- A California Federal Court has quashed charges of obscene exposure levied this week against Democratic presidential candidate and self declared war hero, John Kerry.

Mr. Kerry mooned an audience of American war veterans during a speech he made to the veterans group after several members of the audience rose and turned their backs to Mr. Kerry.

Mr. Kerry shocked audience members and much of his staff by pulling down his pants and displaying his boney buttocks in response to jeers made during his speech.

The Court said it shelved the charges this week after deciding that Kerry's gesture ``may have been rude and in bad taste'' but not obscene.

The gesture was an ``exercise in freedom of expression,'' the court said in a released statement. This Federal Court on a previous occasion found that the Pledge of Allegiance to be illegal because it contained the words "under God".

John Kerry spokesman, Orson Buggy, later emphasized that Mr. Kerry was not being disrespectful to the audience of veterans, he was just trying to show the audience where he was wounded.


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