Announced today: If Elected, Kerry promises to use wife's money to protect terrorism targets in New York

Posted by: Fritz ®

08/01/2004, 14:19:05

The following is an excerpt from today's NY Times:
The New York Times


August 1, 2004

Government Considers Raising Threat Level

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The government is considering raising the threat level in Washington and New York City and for financial companies, a Homeland Security Department official said Sunday.......

New intelligence that the al-Qaida terrorist network plans to attack financial or international institutions in New York has led police to urge extra security precautions at various city buildings.......

ABC News, citing anonymous sources, reported Saturday night that al-Qaida planned to send terrorists across the Mexican border into the United States, and that suicide attacks were being planned in the city, possibly using trucks...........




The following is a terror related Assorted Press article:



If Elected, Kerry Promises to Hire Force to Protect Terror Targets


August 1, 2004 (TAP) -- Sen. John Kerry promised today that if he is elected president, he will use his wife's fortune to hire mercenaries to protect potential financial institution targets in New York from terrorist truck-bomb attacks.

The announcement comes after Sen. Kerry, a Vietnam veteran who received three Purple Heart medals for combat wounds in four months,
criticized the Bush administration for failing to protect financial and international institutions from possible terrorist attacks.

"You have to be engaged,"
Mr. Kerry said on CBS' Face the Nation. "So, when I am the president I'm going to hire the world's best soldiers of fortune and deploy them rapidly to any site in New York that might be a terrorist target. If there's one thing I have learned from my wife's Heinz relatives, it's the importance of anticipation ." (ed. Anyone remember that commercial?)


"Money is no problem", said Mr. Kerry, "My wife, Teresa Heinz-Kerry is worth over a billion dollars and she really would like to be the first lady of America, please."



Copied Right 2004, the Assorted Press

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