Robert “KKK” Byrd - a bloviating, bigoted thief of other people's money says he still “grieves for his country” & the GOP wants to unfairly target Democrats |
Posted by: Fritz ® 07/26/2004, 12:17:20 |
Democrats Claim New Filibuster Rule Unfairly Targets Democrats By The ASSORTED PRESS (TAP) Sen. Robert Byrd , D-WV criticizes
President Bush as a dangerous leader. July 26, 2004 (TAP) – Tired of the stalling tactics of Senate Democrats on approving judicial nominees, Senate Republicans plan to push through a new rule on filibusters which Democrats now say unfairly targets members of their party. Robert Byrd – a bombastic, bloviating, bigoted thief of other people's money and personal hero of Mr. Issodhos, says the GOP unfairly targets Democrats. Copied Right 2004, The Assorted Pres and “The Dick Cheney committee to tell Sen. Leahy what they really think of him.” Inc |