Armstrong Wins & French officials Will Feature New Approach if Champ Decides to Compete Again |
Posted by: Fritz ® 07/25/2004, 16:52:27 |
Armstrong Undecided About the Next Tour de France After France sets New Rules
By The ASSORTED PRESS (TAP) Phil Matteleven, TAP TV sports reporter
Lance Armstrong of Austin, Texas,
celebrates his sixth straight
Tour de France cycling race victory
Paris Sunday, July 25, 2004.
Paris, July 25, 2004 (TAP) -- After American Lance Armstrong won an amazing 6th race, French Tour de France officials began planning the next race to include a novel approach to competition, according to insiders in Paris. Here are some of the French-proposed changes, which organizers believe will make the international bicycle race more compelling. -- Participants from the United States especially Texas will be required to wear shackles and manacles during certain days of the race. -- Race officials and Judges in the competition will have unlimited time to register their decisions after each days events, allowing time to consult and to compare results. -- Hans Blix will oversee the search for racers who use chemical agents to enhance performance. -- Roadside spectators will not be constrained to roped-in sidelines. Partisan spectators will be allowed to express their feeling towards individual racers for a more openly democratic and progressively liberal competition. --The UN will be the final arbitrater of rules and decide who won the race.
Copied Right 2004, The Assorted Press and "Les Français mangent la merde" Inc. (Can you read French?)