The Teachers Union convinces Kerry & Edwards if and when elected to enlarge Great Society Head Start Program |
Posted by: Fritz ® 07/09/2004, 10:53:45 |
Kerry, Edwards and (NEA) to Revamp Head Start New “Slow Start” to hamper smarter children for a more equal playing field Kerry & Edwards rub noses i in a tender moment.
The ASSORTED PRESS (TAP) July 9, 2004 -- The Kerry-Edwards-NEA version of the Head Start reform bill would rename and 're-mission' the Great Society program. In addition to preparing poor children for school in hopes of enhancing achievement, 'Slow Start' will enroll children from middle-class and wealthy families and attempt to "confuse and de-motivate them" so that they won't outdo and embarrass children from low-income families. 'Slow Start' is the idea of the Teachers Union (NEA) and the Democrat Party team of John Kerry and John Edwards. The “Don't Let No Child Get Ahead” program would be designed to prevent underachievers from suffering self-esteem drainage when they note the superior performance of their classmates. "Our nation was founded on equality," said John Kerry. "But the poor kids will never catch up if we don't do something to trip up the rich kids." Mr. Kerry expects that enrollment in the 'Slow Start' program will exceed Head Start in its first year. "Most well-off people have just lucked into their money," said the Democrat presidential candidate whose wife, Teresa Heinz-Kerry, is a billionaire. "They feel guilty about how their clever little prodigies always bust the grading curve. They would love to do something to level the playing field, and they're willing to stoop to conquer inequality." Educational reporter, Polly Morphism, contributed to this report. Copied Right 2004, The Assorted Press and Ach du lieber Augustine Inc. |