From the TAP files: The Assorted Press visits with Mr. New Vision, anti-American Bush basher and ardent booster of Communist China

Posted by: Fritz ®

01/20/2006, 17:27:12


The following article was first posted in May of 2005; Mr. New Vision’s ideas and views do not seem to have changed much since that time. He does seem to take more pride in the Chinese military build up and the stockpiling of gleaming new weapons. And along with the unhinged American Left, he continues to bash Bush.

I am still not clear as to whether New Vision shares the Chinese love of dining on fattened dogs and puppies. New Vision’s responses in the following TAP article are based on his views expressed in the Patriot and Faded Glory forums.

To be fair, New Vision maintains that the Chinese government is not communistic but rather socialistic. The difference IMHO, being of course that socialism is nothing more than Communism with a shave and a clean shirt.

New Vision’s latest “I love China” posts can be found at Faded Glory.


January 20, 2006





The Assorted Press


Mr. New Vision, Friend of Red China,

Talks to TAP


By Moon Lan Ding, TAP Far East correspondent


May 3, 2005 (TAP) -- In a major Internet interview with an American news organization, friend of China and “Patriot Forum” poster, Mr. New Vision, sat down with TAP Far East reporter, Moon Lan Ding. 

The interview took place in the Washington, DC Chinese restaurant, "The Fat Puppy".


Below is a full transcript of that interview, edited for clarity, length, nudity and the strict Patriot forum rules.

TAP: Mr. New Vision, first of all we want to thank you for taking the time to meet with us, and for buying the Puppy Meal-on-a-Stick for everyone. What we would like to know first is do you speak English?

NV: No.

TAP: Okay, then we'll conduct this interview with an interpreter.

NV: Fine.

TAP: You recently stated that East Asians have overall higher IQs than any other race and that the superiority of the East Asian race has been proven by science and that this confirms your belief in the superiority of the "Asian race" in terms of intelligence over Whites.

You have also on several occasions referred to Jews as being inferior "rats", would it be fair to think of you as a person intolerantly devoted to your own opinions and prejudices?


NV: No.

TAP: You have said that China has made some moves toward a more social democratic form of government. For example, allowing the people to eat at McDonald's restaurants. How soon do you think China will hold direct elections for the top government offices?

NV: China already has a democracy. As you can see, their people can make choices that affect their daily lives. They may order the McDonald hamburger or the traditional Chinese roast dog platter.

TAP: That is impressive. How about direct elections?

NV: Thanks to the superior Asian mental ability as noted before, the Chinese people are too intelligent to participate in direct elections. They could not be fooled by the empty promises of politicians. They would boycott the elections, thus leaving the current leadership in power. The Chinese have decided not to waste money on such a charade.

TAP: Speaking of democracy, how do you feel about Taiwan's continued move toward a referendum on independence, and a re-writing of the constitution?

NV: The people of Taiwan are free to do anything they wish.

TAP: You really believe this?

NV: I'm sure they don't fear China's nuclear arsenal, nor their massive army and track record for dealing swiftly and effectively with dissent.

TAP: Do you think China is threatening Taiwan?

NV: They don't need to threaten Taiwan with total annihilation, turning that beautiful island into a charred wasteland, bereft of all life forms. Threats are not necessary. The people of Taiwan are eager to maintain Chinese unity.

TAP: It is reported that the U.S.-Chinese trade imbalance is now vastly in China's favor. To what do you attribute this?

NV: Two things; China has defeated the international Jewish conspiracy and higher Asian IQs.

TAP: On May 19, 1989, the Communist government brutally cracked down on student protesters who had gathered in Tiananmen Square to call for democratic reforms. The Communist Party chief, Mr. Zhao, visited the square and was perceived to be supporting the pro-democracy movement. Mr. Zhao was ousted from his post and has been in jail 14 years. How are you able explain this treatment by the Chinese government?

NV: To quote an ex-American president's wife, Hillary, "I don't remember. I don't know. I'm not sure. I have no idea. I don't recall. I don't have any specific recollection."

TAP: Some skeptics might infer that China betrayed Mr. Zhao. How would you answer them?

NV: You've hardly touched your roast puppy.

TAP: I'm on the Atkins diet. Did China betray Mr. Zhao?

NV: Want to try the roast dog platter?

TAP: Mmmm. Uh, no thank you. Now, what were we talking about?

NV: I believe you were asking about how proud China is to be a mentally superior race over white people.

TAP: Ah, yes. Well, how proud are they?

NV: The Chinese are quite proud. They plan to demonstrate the supremacy of Communism to a world of low IQs.

TAP: Do you have a favorite candidate in the 2008 U.S. presidential race?

NV: Yes, but she hasn't announced yet.

TAP: One final question. We ask this on behalf of America's young citizens: Do the Chinese prefer boxers or jockey shorts?

NV: If that question represents the intelligence of young Americans, no wonder you're stuck with such a primitive form of government.

TAP: Actually, "Democrat underground"
suggested we ask that.

NV: Figures.


Copyrite 2005, Fritz and the Assorted Press, satire, a few rights preserved.






Fritz says: When dealing with left-wing peaceniks or the anti-war crowd, keep this in mind; "They're not really antiwar -- they're just on the other side."